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Chicken I may look calm but in my head I’ve pecked you 3 times shirt

Yeh, and how much does not allow clearing and controlled burns contribute to the Chicken I may look calm but in my head I’ve pecked you 3 times shirt besides I will buy this risk. Fires globally have been trending down for decades thanks to technology and a rising standard of living overall. They just had record-breaking summer snow for Pete’s sake and the hundreds that were arrested for starting the fires, what percentage increase did they cause. What’s the % on people actually starting the fires when will climate denial become a crime against humanity. Sooner or later we’re going to have to hold people who are simply stupid (or with a dangerous agenda) to account. Y’all first claimed it was climate change that caused the fires, then 23 people were arrested for arson.


Buy this shirt: Chicken I may look calm but in my head I’ve pecked you 3 times shirt


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